

The dashboard provides a great, quick overview of what’s happening with your event app. Since this is the home screen, you’ll begin here, but the real magic of this screen takes place once your content is populated and your event is launched.

  • With Real Time Data, you can see how many people logged in (and with which device) on a specific day. Just select the days you’d like to see and click filter.
  • General Stats gives a quick number view of how many people are in the system, how many meetings have been initiated, and how many people are active in the system right now. Taking this one step further, many of these data pieces are clickable for additional details.
  • Top 5 is a short list of the most active users and content. This can be helpful to quickly identify your star users or top content, then use this data to seek valuable feedback.
  • Directly from the dashboard you can Increase Engagement. Get popular usage stats and act now by clicking a section to generate an email to encourage app download and more. Click a Communication type to get an alert or announcement out.

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