How To: Import Data
Follow the steps below to import data:
- Visit the Import Data page in admin under Setup > Import Data to download the correct Excel spreadsheet. Choose from the following templates: People, Agenda, Sponsors, Exhibitors, or Meetings.
- Add your complete data to the template Excel spreadsheet. Follow the important tips on the page to be sure your content is formatted correctly. Content that is not formatted correctly will cause an error and will not be imported.
- When ready to upload, select the type of content you are uploading from the dropdown box, then click the green button to select your file (your file should be in the .xls format).
- Once selected, click the “Upload” button.
- Use the wizard to walk through the step process, by clicking each step in sequence:
- View Excel Data
- Validate Excel Data (Any errors will display during this step)
- Import Data from Excel