How To: Participation Type Messages
Participation types are the required categories for the people in the system. When the event app is launched, welcome messages will be sent to all people. If you have a different welcome message for each participation type, you can set custom participation type messages.
Follow the steps below to set up participation types and select whether the default message or a custom message is used:
- Under Setup > Participation Types > Manage Participation Types, click the “Add Participation Type” button.
- Enter and select the information in the form. Participation Name is the name that will display to users. Display order will be the order in which the participation types will display within the app. The Send Emails From is a date select field indicating the date that welcome emails can be sent to this type. The checkboxes allow certain permissions for the participation type.
- Whether the default or a custom email template message is used, a unique subject line can be used for each participation type.
- The Welcome Mail Template is the selection for the default or a custom email template message. By default, the default welcome email is used. You can view this by clicking the link next to the selection. Please note: the default welcome email template can be updated through the message center. To use a custom email template, select that option and modify the email as necessary.