How To: Send Instant Push Alerts
A push alert is an instant message pushed to the user’s device. Upon installation of the event app, it is up to a user to enable permissions on their device to receive push alerts.
Character Limits: The “Main Push Alert Text” field (which is the one that will display on the home screen of a user’s device) is limited to about 180 characters (including spaces). The “Detailed Push Alert Text” field, (the text a user will see once they tap through to read the full alert) is limited to about 2000 characters (including spaces). Push alerts are text only, but can also accept emojis.
Follow the steps below to send an instant push alert:
- Under Manage Event Content > Push Alerts & Notifications > Manage Instant Push Alerts click the “Create Push Alert” button.
- The main push alert text field is the most important, as this is the text that will display on the home screen of a user’s device. Enter the desired text into this field.
- The detailed push alert text field is the additional text that a user will see once they tap through to read the full alert. The description field will only appear within the event app. Enter the desired text into this field.
- Select who should receive the push alert. Push alerts can be sent to the following people:
- All users who have installed the mobile app and enabled permissions for push notifications on their device.
- All users who have logged into the mobile app (see step one, as users must have installed the app first)
- Selected people – This option will allow you to select participants.
- Selected participation type – This option will allow you to select all participants that belong to a specific participation type.
- Selected committees – If the committees feature is on and set up, this option will allow you to select all participants that belong to a specific committee.
Optional: A push alert can be scheduled in advance using the Schedule an Alert/Announcement tool. For more information on this tool, ask a Jujama team member.