How To: Manage Agenda

The agenda tool offers a complete system for managing your event’s agenda, including all session details, tagging speakers to agenda items, categorizing items by track, and so much more.

Adding an Agenda Item

  1. Under Manage Event Content > Agenda > Manage Agenda, click the “Actions” button on the upper right corner, then select “Add Agenda”. This will add an agenda item or session to your agenda.
  2. Fill in the desired details for the session, including Event Title, Description, Location, Date, Time etc.
  3. Once complete, be sure to scroll to the very bottom and click the “Save” button.

Session Details: You will see that there are many details that can be included for each session, but only the title and start time are required. Additional session details are available and will display on the event app only if populated.

  1. A long list of “select” options are available to include specific people on an agenda item. This will display the person under that title on that session’s detail page.
  2. If a session is sponsored, use the “Select Sponsors” field to choose the correct company. This will display those company’s logos under the session’s detail page.
  3. Documents and Videos that are associated with the session could also be included. This would allow attendees to see these additional files under that session’s detail page.
  4. To organize your agenda further, you can explore the Advanced Agenda Options, including levels, audience, types, categories, and tags. These options can be set up under Manage Event Content > Agenda > Advanced Agenda Options. For more information on these options, contact our support team.
  5. For sessions that have a specific audience or those that are private/invite only, remove the check next to “Is Public”. Additionally, the access level to the event can be modified so that the session will display only to that audience. Access level management can be found under the "Actions" button from the manage agenda main screen. 
  6. Adding an icon is uncommon but can be used to indicate a particular type of agenda item.
  7. For maximum occupancy, you can enter the maximum number of attendees allowed in the “Max. Allowed Attendees” field. This will initiate Waitlist options for that particular session. For more information on this option, contact our support team.
  8. Also available are options for including a separate agenda for sub-conferences. For more information on these options, contact our support team.

Editing an Agenda Item

  1. Under Manage Event Content > Agenda > Manage Agenda, find the correct agenda item by first selecting the date. By default, the first date of the event will be selected.
  2. Scroll to the correct agenda item and click the “Actions” button, then select “Edit”.
  3. Edit the desired details, then click the “Save” button.

Tracks: Tracks are a way organize agenda items and to indicate to people the certain group of sessions they should be following. Tracks can be managed under Manage Event Content > Agenda > Manage Tracks.

  1. Under Manage Event Content > Agenda > Manage Tracks, click the “Add Track” button on the top right.
  2. In the pop-up, enter the title of the track, an optional location, and a choose a color.
  3. Once set up, the appropriate track can be selected from the individual agenda items.

Tagging Speakers to a Session: Tagging speakers will list that person under the session’s detail page and will also add the session beneath the person’s detail page.

  1. If speakers have not been added during the initial session setup, find the correct agenda item and click the “Actions” button, then hover over “Add Speaker/Moderator”.
  2. From the menu, select the type of attendee/speaker to add (this will determine the heading).
  3. Search and select one or more speakers, then click the “Add” button. This will tag the appropriate person to the session.

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