How To: Post on the Social Feed
Increase Engagement (with Social Feed posting)
The social feed on the app can be so much more than just a conversational wall just waiting for attendees to post on. Think of the social feed as more of a bulletin board for your event — sponsored advertisements, important notices, up-to-date content sharing, and current session promotions.
The social feed can be a great way to boost engagement at your event. Attendees will be using the app to navigate the sessions and, in some cases, to network. Imagine having a constant connection with those attendees who are opening the app. To do this, request that your app opens directly to the social feed, then use the pieces below to ensure you’re providing great information to your attendees. To manage the social feed, navigate to Manage Event Content > Social Feed.
Sticky Posts
Making a post sticky or “pinned” is a great way to ensure that attendees will see it. This sticks the post to the very top of the social feed. You can stick and unstick any post at any time. To do so, click the teal arrow at the top right of the post within admin and select “Stick”.
- Example Sticky Post:
“Welcome to the event! We’re looking forward to great session content and some great networking between attendees. Please take a moment to update your profile and feel free to say “hi” on the social feed!”
Sponsored Posts
A sponsored post can be a great way to draw attention to a sponsor, product, or even an event-wide promotion. A sponsored post can include a custom display name and profile icon, along with an image, message, and website link. You can even set it as sticky. To create a sponsored post, click the “Add Sponsored Post” link above the admin’s post bar.
- Example Sponsored Post:
“Stop by the exhibit hall to grab some swag and enter to win an iPad courtesy of Jujama!”
@ Mentions
Both admin and users can use the “@” mention capability to tag a person, company, agenda item, or floorplan. Tagging will create a link to that person, company, agenda item, or floorplan detail page within the app. With agenda item tagging, you can boost attendance or be sure your audience knows about the latest room change. To include a tag, start typing with “@” to mention/link a person, company, agenda item, or floorplan.
- Example @ Mention Post:
“Don’t forget to join us at the upcoming Business and Evolving Technology session happening in the Grand Ballroom.”
Media Posts
Posting as a conference organizer and adding media, including an image, video, or document to a post is a great way to get additional attention. These posts can also provide valuable content to the app, making users come back to look for more. To add media to your post, select the photo/video/document icons above the admin post bar to upload the content.
- Example Media Post:
“Scientists will be speaking today on topics important to CNS Research. Watch the video here to get up to speed!”
Hashtags in a Post
Just like popular social media outlets, any post can include one or many hashtags. Hashtags are a great way to grab attention and group posts with a common theme or topic. To include a hashtag, start a word or phrase with #, which will automatically create a filter for that topic.
- Example Hashtag Post:
“Great connections are being made at #InvestmentDay. Use the meeting and messaging tools to meet your next partner!”
Managing User Posts
Not all posts will come from admin. Users can post with many of the above tools as well (except sticky and sponsored posts). As a conference organizer with admin access, you have the ability to monitor and modify any post that comes from a user. You can see all posts on the social feed under Manage Event Content > Social Feed. To modify a post, click the teal arrow at the top right of the post within admin, then select “Edit”, “Stick”, “Like”, or “Delete”.