How To: Create and Conduct a Poll
Polling is a live feature used during a session to engage the audience. Users can participate in a poll directly from the app. Results can be displayed in real-time onto a large screen in the room or directly to a speaker for use in the presentation.
Creating a Poll – In this instance, a “Poll” is a group of questions specific to the overall conference, a session, or a speaker.
- Under Features & Advanced Content > Polling > Add Poll, complete the form to add a Poll. See the descriptions of each field below:
- Specific to: Allows you to make a poll specific to the overall conference, a session, or a speaker. By default, the poll to be marked as specific to the conference.
- Title: The title of your poll that displays to your audience
- Access to: Allows you to restrict who has access to the poll. By default, the poll will be available to all
- User Poll Type:
- Manual Question Start: Creating this type of poll is for when you will have an administrator starting and stopping each question within the poll. After a user answers the poll question, they are not able to advance to the next question unless an administrator stops the existing question and starts the next.
- Auto Start Question: Creating this type of poll is best for multiple questions where a user is able to immediately answer the next question once they submit an answer to the current question. This does not require an administrator to start/stop questions within the poll.
- Have Passcode: If checked, a password will be required for the user to take the poll. (Off by default)
- Post this Poll on Social Feed: If checked, a post to the Social Feed will be made with the poll title once the poll starts. The post will increase user engagement with the poll. (Off by default)
- Schedule: The time period that the poll will show under the poll tab in the app
- Polling Colors: Default colors are set to mirror your conference colors. If you would like to personalize the poll colors, select colors and fill in settings, then use the preview button to see your selections.
- Once complete, click the “Submit” button to save your poll, then add questions under Manage Polls.
Managing Polls
Once polls are created, under Features & Advanced Content > Polling > Manage Polls, you can view the list of polls, manage and edit existing polls, and add questions. The screen is a drag and drop design to allow for polls to quickly be reordered to display in the mobile app how you would like.
Each poll item will contain the following information:
- Poll View Link: A link to the poll and poll questions
- Poll Results Link: A link to the real-time poll results. Results have a 3-second delay from time answered to time displayed.
- Add Questions / Publish: Add one or multiple polling questions for the poll item
- Depending on the poll type, questions will be started/stopped under this link.
- Results: View all poll results on a single screen with a button to export results to Excel
Creating Poll Questions
- Under the poll item, click the “Add Questions/Publish” link and then click the “Add Question” button. Multiple questions can be added to a poll item.
- Answer Type:
- Open Ended: User can respond with anything (fill in answer). Answers can be displayed as Text Wall, Ticker, Word Cloud, or Cluster
- Multiple Choice: User will select the answer from options given. Answers can be graded, where correct answer can be set and the percentage of correct and incorrect answers can be reviewed. Results can be displayed as Bar Chart, Pie Chart, or Column Chart
Polling Admins
Creating a polling admin will allow access for a speaker or team member to manage polls without needing to access other areas of Jujama admin. Under Features & Advanced Content > Polling > Polling Admins, click the “Add Polling Admin” button and complete the form.
3rd Party Polling Providers
If you would prefer to integrate with a third-party polling service such as Slido or Poll Everywhere, please ask your Jujama Representative for details and assistance in setting up this quick option. We’re happy to integrate with any third-party vendor you might have.