How To: Manage System Generated Alert/Notification Messages
The system maintains several automatically generated messages that can be sent to the user via a push alert or the notification panel when certain actions take place. These actions consist of conditions like a "modified session on my schedule" or "my favorite person has posted to the social feed." These messages can be edited and toggled on/off from within admin.
By default, both push alerts and notification panel messages are set to ON. Push alerts are messages sent directly to the user's device, if allowed. The notification panel is an area within the desktop and mobile apps that will count and store system generated messages. Each message displayed to the user on the notification panel will be clickable to the corresponding action.
System generated messages for push alerts and the notification panel can be edited by going to Manage Event Content > Push Alerts and Notification > System Generated Alert/Notification Messages. Once there, click the "Edit" button next to each to modify the message. Each message can also be toggled ON/OFF for either or both Push Alert or Notification Panel in order to have complete access over what a user will receive.