Specs for Data Population
- Description: Each sponsor can provide a detailed description (As an alternate option, sponsors can be tagged to a company to display that profile instead.)
- Website Link: Each sponsor can provide a website link which will be available as a “Visit Website” button on their profile.
- Logo: Preferred size is 340 x 188 pixels. This will accommodate a max width of 340 pixels on the sponsor details screen, but also a max size of 235 x 130 pixels on the list view.
- Sponsor Detail View:
- Sponsor List View:
- Sponsor Detail View:
- Profile: Speakers will have a profile just as any normal attendee would. This will allow for a full bio, including website, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter links, and profile image. Sessions that they are speaking at can be tagged with their name so that those sessions would appear linked to their profile. And, just as other attendees can, speakers can post images, documents, and videos under their “My Account” tab would then appear under their profile.
- Profile Image: Minimum size is 400 x 400 pixels
Please feel free to provide exhibitors with our guide found here: Exhibitor Guide: Virtual Booths.
- Description: Each exhibitor can provide a detailed description along with their location, social media links, and website.
- Website Link: Each exhibitor can provide a website link which will be available as a “Visit Website” button on their profile
- Logo: Preferred size is 400 x 130 pixels. (If larger logos are provided, they will scale proportionately in the platform to the allotted space.)
- Important: It is up to the conference organizer whether to allow for an advertisement image or not. If you allow them to display, each exhibitor will get a placeholder image by default, unless a customized image is uploaded. If you choose not to allow them, that image will just not appear. You can see an example of an advertisement image and the placeholder image in the first screenshot below.
Exhibitor List with Advertisement Image (middle image is placeholder)
- Advertisement Image: Image should be provided as 1112 x 789 pixels. On the list view, this image will scale down, but on the exhibitor details profile page it will display full size.
- Just as other companies can, an exhibitor has the ability to upload documents, videos, and photos to their company profile from the My Account tab.
- As an alternate option, exhibitors can replace the advertisement image with a video. If video is preferred and selected within admin, by default, the last video uploaded (as a Vimeo or YouTube video) will load in that area.
- Right-Column Banners: Banners can be featured on the side of each page of the platform. Primarily these are used for sponsorship opportunities, but because each banner can be placed across the board or on certain page type, these banners can become quite specific. Keep in mind though, while you can select, for example, the “Exhibitor Details” page, you will not be able to select a specific exhibitor (ie. “Goldman Sachs Exhibitor Details page”).
- If multiple sponsor banners are added to a page, the banners will rotate.
- Banner size: 295 pixels wide x 309 pixels high
- Footer Banner: An image can be placed at the bottom of each page of the platform. Primarily this is used for sponsorship opportunities, but because each banner can be placed across the board or on certain page type, these banners can become quite specific.
- The footer banner area allows for only a single image to be uploaded with no rotation.
- Banner size: The footer banner image will center on the bottom of each page. The most common look is to span the width of both columns. To achieve this look the image should be uploaded at a size of 1270 pixels wide and at any height.
Social Feed
- Images on Social Feed: Images on the social feed are a great way to showcase what will be coming up within the event. Ideal size for images: 893 x 450px
Landing Page
- The landing page will always contain a larger left column and a smaller right column.
- The left column will pull in any content (using HTML or the WYSIWYG editor) that is added via the “Welcome Message” under Setup in admin. At full width of the left column is 945 pixels wide.
- The right column will always contain a block reminding attendees to update their profile, an activity feed with brief social feed updates, and any side banners that are added. Currently, the right side bar is not customizable beyond those items, but please stand by for updates to this area.
- With the launch of our new desktop theme, there are continuous plans for increasing customization for the landing page. Until those customization features are available, we are assisting clients with the setup of their landing page. Ask a Jujama team member for examples or help on what is available to you.
- Currently, an option for landing page tiles is available. The tiles are buttons that link to important pages within the platform. Each tile contains an image, an icon, and the page title. If you would prefer to provide your own tile image, please send images sized to 606 pixels wide x 327 pixels high. The images are set to “cover” size, which means some of the image may be cropped depending on browser width. It is recommended that the focal point of each image is at the top to leave space for the icon and title towards the bottom.