How To: Create & Send Message Center Emails

Increase Engagement (with Message Center templates)

While it may just seem like a way to send bulk emails to your event’s attendees, the Message Center is a tool that manages email templates to help increase engagement. By default, the system creates common templates that are helpful for event organizers to target a sub-set of people, such as “Attendees who have not signed into the mobile app”. This allows you to create specific messages for people that meet certain criteria. The templates can also be scheduled to send at a specific date and time.

The standard templates will provide a static message to those relevant participants. With the WYSIWYG editor or using HTML, a more robust message could be created. These emails will help engage users and encourage them to complete tasks, like download the app, respond to meetings/messages, update their profile, or even stay on top of weekly event updates.

To Create a New Template:

  1. Under Message Center > Templates, click the “Add New Template” button.
  2. From the “Email Type” dropdown, select the template type that you would like to create. Most template names are descriptive enough to get the idea of the type of audience that you will be targeting.
  3. Give the email template a title, which will be used internally only. This will help you identify your templates in case you create multiple variations of the same type.
  4. The subject will be the subject line of the email that the users receive, which can accept the variables/keywords used in the templates.
  5. The message field contains a WYSIWYG editor with the default message relating to that template type included. The message in its entirety can be edited. Those who prefer to work with HTML can edit by clicking the “Source” button on the editor. Note: If you are not familiar with HTML, it is not recommended that you edit in the source code, as it contains the HTML shell of the email.
  6. Once complete, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.
  7. After saving, you’ll be directed back to the main list of the default and new templates. Here, you can edit or delete templates as necessary.

To Send a Message:

  1. Navigate to Message Center > Send a Message.
  2. Select the “Email Type” that you would like to send.
  3. Select the “Template” of that email type that you created.
  4. After making the above selections, the platform will perform a query of the people who fit the email type.
    • You can modify the people chosen by clicking the green button that appears with the number of people, but it is not required.
  5. The subject and message will pull over from when the template was created, though both can be altered at this step if needed.
  6. To send the email to the people specified, select the “Send” button. Note: This action is final and WILL send the email to the specified people. It is important to only click the “Send” button once, as clicking multiple times will result in duplicate emails. This action may take a few moments (depending on number of recipients).
    • To send a test email prior to sending, click the “Send Test Email” button. An email address field box will pop-up. Fill in the email address to where the test email should go, then click the pop-up “Send” button.

The message history of emails sent can be viewed under Message Center > Message History.

Additional Ways to Increase Engagement:

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